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MUSEUM VIRTUELL2023-08-31T16:12:31+02:00

Your favorite museum virtual broached


The official site for the promotion of artists and cultural spaces. Accessible access to and participation in arts and culture for all ages, school groups, people with disabilities and Covid 19 at-risk groups.

Your favorite museum virtuell broached


Discover museums, galleries or even monasteries in a whole new way, from the comfort of your own home. Or visit one of the many fun events online. You can experience everything in 360°.


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Are you an exhibitor or artist and would like to present your exhibition or program to a wide audience through Museum Virtuell? Please feel free to contact us.

Are you a visitor and want to know how the site works? Just watch the explanatory video.


Discover museums, galleries or even monasteries in a whole new way, from the comfort of your own home. Or visit one of the many fun events online. You can experience everything in 360°.

How a virtue was made of the need for many

Corona keeps us in suspense, making the organization of exhibitions and events difficult or even impossible. Those who plan, book, install today do not know if and how many people will find access to what they offer. Even before Corona, it was a difficult estimation of possible revenues and visitor numbers. Today it is more than risky from an entrepreneurial point of view. This affects museums, artists, event organizers, production companies and more.

This called filmmaker Dirk Leiber to the scene. With his network in the industry and in dialogue with many stakeholders, he creates a virtual solution through his employer “Museum-virtuell GmbH”. The newly created platform www.museum-virtuell.com solves a dozen problems at once:

Museums can also generate virtual entrance fees.
Temporary exhibitions are archived and can still be visited.
The “home market” goes around the world.
Events can be attended live or streamed in the virtual cultural space.
The tourist periphery of the cultural space receives attention.
Artists can use this virtual exhibition for their own marketing.
Access materials and multimedia materials related to art objects can be protected.
The issue of copyright is no longer an issue, as it can be documented how often and with what revenue exhibition spaces have been visited that are subject to copyright. Lenders can be directly involved in the payment process.
Marketing Metacommunicative: An exhibition declares itself to be open, valuable and modern if it goes in this direction. It is not a competition for on-site visitation.
Group tours are possible. (Associations, school classes, clubs…)
Cultural participation for the elderly and disabled becomes possible.
Events in the virtual cultural spaces are possible live and also for streaming.
Artists also generate income for virtual events or can increase the lower attendance (Corona restrictions) by live streaming.

In German-speaking countries, the platform is now active and growing steadily. Internationally, the first museums have now also signed up. The cultural-educational work done in cooperation with various museums is also very interesting. For example, a radio play in the well-known children’s radio play series “Pollution Police – Die kleinen Pfadfinder” is devoted in an exciting way to the subject of art theft at the time of World War II and offers a PC game in which children search museums, solve riddles about art and values and build a decryption machine to rescue heroes from a mine.

Museum-Virtuell is an example of how a crisis can also lead to positive developments.


Uit jarenlange ervaring en de benarde toestand van musea en tentoonstellingen in de tijd van het Coronavirus is het idee ontstaan om hele musea virtueel bezoekbaar te maken. Wij willen hen helpen het verlies aan entreegelden te compenseren. Een positief neveneffect is dat wij bijdragen tot culturele vorming en toegankelijkheid.

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